2024 Rosemont Shinny Hockey

Tuesday Nights
Girls & Boys Aged 6-12

Shinny Hockey 2024

Rosemont Community Rink
Tuesday Nights, 5:30 - 6:30 pm

Program runs January 9 to March 12 or until the ice goes.

Girls and Boys aged 6-12

The cost is $30.00/player + community membership (from any community).

Need a membership?

Community Membership is Free for Rosemontians! $20 if you’re outside the community.

Ready to Register for Shinny?

Call Jean Blackstock at 403 305-9447  to register or email at jmblackstock@gmail.com

Shinny Details

Players must have:

  • hockey skates

  • skate guards

  • hockey stick

  • neck guard

  • hockey helmet with face mask

Players are recommended to also have:

  • knee pads

  • elbow pads

Patrick Palardy will be the Coach with assistance from Dave Lamoureux.

Come on down and enjoy some great hockey!

This is outdoor hockey and we will follow AHS Covid 19 Regulations for Sport Physical Activity and Recreation. Bathrooms will be available 

Register Now!

Call Jean Blackstock at 403-305-9447 to register or email at jmblackstock@gmail.com

Everyone is welcome!

Please contact info@rosemontyyc.com if financial reasons may be preventing you from participating.

Benefits of Membership Include:

  • 10% off Hall/Boardroom Rentals

  • Discounts at Rosemont Community Events

  • Voting privileges at AGM

  • Community-based membership is required for most community-based sports